Thursday, December 20, 2018

Gorgeous Galapagos

Living so close to the dream islands of Galapagos I had to visit!  With giant tortoises and other exotic wildlife I wasn't disappointed.

I arrived at Baltra Island, off Santa Cruz Island.  The island is purely for the airport and cruise departures so I had to take a boat to Santa Cruz Island and then a taxi to Puerto Ayora, the main town.  I was impressed by the infrastructure of the island, with newly paved roads making the 30-40 minute trip easy.  I liked seeing the 'tortoises crossing' signs and did see one on the side of the road.

Puerto Ayora is the most developed (and touristy) town of the inhabited islands (4 out of the 18 main islands).

On this island I visited El Chato tortoise reserve.

There were lots of toroises in the fields, some cooling off in a mud bath.

There are lots of restaurants, especially in the Calle de los Kioskos where you can choose your seafood which gets cooked on the grill.

Everywhere I went there were sea lions.

I enjoyed walking around the town and watching the birds, sea lions and iguanas on the streets.

The Pelican Bay area had a fish market (spot the sea lion with the vendors).

I went diving at Gordon Rocks where the highlight were Hammerhead sharks.

Not all the islands allow overnight stays but I visited a few when I went on a cruise.

We visited islands like Genovesa which is one of the few places that has red-footed boobies, amongst other birds.

The cruise involved lots of visits to remote beaches and snorkelling.

One of the other cruise passengers took videos in all our snorkelling trips and combined it to make a video of highlights.

The cruise finished in San Cristobal.

I spent my last few days visiting tortoises there

 and diving at Leon Dormido (Kicker Rock) where I saw loads of turtles (my favourite!).


  1. Another one of your great adventures! I've never been there but the photos are very inviting. Amazing the physical differences between the land- and sea-tortoises. Mam and I loved the 'baby phoque' bringing us back some 40 years. Glad you could all enjoy it so much.....
